26 February, 2011

Im no longer posting here now....ive switched over to this!



05 January, 2011

As one of our projects at university we have to create an electronic portfolio, this is a possible design for my home page...

Also im completely stuck on my essay write now, im literally only picking being a director as i cant find enough information on being a creative director & i cant narrow my choices down to 3 directors because none of them im that crazy to research about....anybody know of some good ones? 

I am also working on a few different projects at the moment
>My own personal website.
>A Banner & Tee shirt illustration for a club night (Mardy Bums)
>Brainstorming ideas for a video lookbook for a friend...

I have also just finished the back cover for Shadez The Misfits E.P so both covers will be released soon!
& im currently looking into buying a Canon 7d which will be insane if i do!

21 December, 2010

Two new pieces of work....
An Album cover
+ a Club Flyer

01 December, 2010


Just incase anybody from my course, or my lecturers read this....thought they might find this useful.
Whilst looking around the other day for free footage to use within my own work for visuals etc...i found out that the NASA website  has a multimedia/video page.
This page is full of HD & Normal quality videos for free download...it includes things from rocket launches to stuff like solare flares, could be pretty good for some projects....or just to mess around with.

Make sure to check the hd videos, and normal ones.

26 November, 2010

Erm just WOW pretty much?

Whilst looking on esquire for a guide to buying girlfriends christmas presents, i came across this...just watch it, epic.

This is something i definitely want to get into a lot more than just directing etc...but i just dont know how,  definitely having to go do some research about video mapping. I came across video mapping during the summer when i visited 'The Creators Project' in London & also looked at a lot of 'United Visual Artists'. Seems now though with technology being able to project such things as such as scale in that quality being more readily available and less expensive, video mapping is going to become a trent for the future.
I need to be involved.

25 November, 2010

  • Ideas sometimes come from listening to a lecture

  • Ideas often come while reading a book

  • Good ideas come from bad ideas, but only if there are enough of them

  • Ideas hate conference rooms, particularly conference rooms where there is a history of     criticism, personal attacks or boredom

  • Ideas occur when dissimilar universes collide

  • Ideas often strive to meet expectations. If people expect them to appear, they do

  • Ideas fear experts, but they adore beginner’s mind. A little awareness is a good thing

  • Ideas come in spurts, until you get frightened. Willie Nelson wrote three of his biggest hits in one week

  • Ideas come from trouble

  • Ideas come from our ego, and they do their best when they’re generous and selfless

  • Ideas come from nature

  • Sometimes ideas come from fear (usually in movies) but often they come from confidence

  • Useful ideas come from being awake, alert enough to actually notice

  • Though sometimes ideas sneak in when we’re asleep and too numb to be afraid

  • Ideas come out of the corner of the eye, or in the shower, when we’re not trying

  • Mediocre ideas enjoy copying what happens to be working right this minute

  • Bigger ideas leapfrog the mediocre ones

  • Ideas don’t need a passport, and often cross borders (of all kinds) with impunity

  • An idea must come from somewhere, because if it merely stays where it is and doesn’t join us here, it’s hidden. And hidden ideas don’t ship, have no influence, no intersection with the market. They die, alone 

  • x

    If only the sky always looked like number 3
    one day i will design a set like number 4

    These are a few stills taken from our shoot of our university project, taking on my iphone because someone (producer) didn't book out a DSLR camera, sorry for the quality. 

    Shit night.
    But ive been working on these for a few hours, now got to make a ton more in a different font...maybe why i hate logo deisgn but apparently im 'good' at it.
    The logo is for a Luxury concierge service, a company which for example will find hotels & other services for rich people or celebrities.

    I got so much going on in my head at the moment, i feel like this is shit? im not sure though.
    More posts tomorrow including our group film proposal, pictures from on set...& possibly some more logos.

    15 November, 2010

    Winter can look amazing.

    Maybe the future...
    Lately i have been thinking the last few days about what sort of job im going to aspire to be in by the time im 30, I honestly dont think that i will follow film making seriously, but hope to have it as part of my skill set which i can call upon still.
    I Just came across this new Campaign from Adidas Called 'We are London'.
    This is the type of marketing campaign i would love to be involved in, along with other previous campaigns like their house party adverts...
    Also rather than going into full of film, Tv sets i think i would like to use directing skills i would rather want to use them for a campaign such as 'We are London'. For this Adidas have used a duo by the name of Tim&Barry who originally come up going out & filming Grime Mc's performing around the streets etc which eventually turned into bigger things (http://www.dontwatchthat.tv/)...Since then they have moved onto to work for companies such as ID Magazine & now adidas,  Definitely a duo i aspire to be like & respect a lot for how they've got to where they are currently.
    This is only the first trailer for the campaign, i'll post pu more as off when i see them...


    I posted a trailer for this short film a few weeks ago & i finally caught the full length version.
    Definitely a good insight into the industry and has some good interviews with a lot of respected people on their views on what makes an influencer. A definite must watch to help understand trends and other sorts within the creative industry....they are also making an 'in-depth' series where they will be interviewing industry people in more depth, should be good.
    Saw these online, absolutely amazing...taken from the 'Influencers' series


    Something in progress....
    Another random night when i couldn't sleep so decided to start making another piece...unfinished so far.
    New ting-a-lings....
    I suppose i should really do my frist blog update with something about my course etc...but i failed. So anyways here two ideas i mucked up for a friends club night back home...Views please!?
    Im also thinking of doing an hand illustrated one maybe...